April of 1960, we took a trip overseas for 6 months, most of that time being
spent in Italy. The paternal side of my family are Italian and my nana wanted
to go to Italy to visit family she hadn't seen for 20 odd years. As my grandfather
was unable to go due to business commitments (the family business of Birti
Bros, shortbread manufacturers), Nana asked Mum to go with her. My father
was also unable to go as he worked in the family business, so Mum and I, Nana,
and Mum's girlfriend Evelyn went. We made this journey by sea on the S.S.
Orcades (pictured) disembarking at Naples - the journey took 3 weeks. There
was lots to do on board, always something going on and I remember some fun
times. One thing that sticks out in my mind is when we crossed the equator
the captain and crew dressed up as King Neptune and his helpers and painted
the kids with icecream and threw them into the pool (I was too scared to be
thrown into the pool even though someone was in there to catch the kids).
There were parties and entertainment for the kids on board and on both legs
of the journey I won first and second prize in the kids' fancy dress party.
The picture here shows me receiving first prize from the captain. I was dressed
up as Little Bo-Peep - Mum had made the costume out of crepe paper. The other
photo is of Nana and myself on board.
After disembarking at Naples, the rest of our journey was made by train north, our destination being Lavarone, Cappella. I've not found these places on maps I've looked at, but the nearest city is Trento (Trentino), right up in the north of Italy. The next
was taken the day we arrived. Whilst in Italy we stayed in an apartment building
owned by the family. Various family members also lived in this building as
well as other unrelated people. In the basement of this building there was
still the family business of Birti Bros. (Fratelli Birti) where it originated.
Just a bit of background here -not long after my father was born, his father
and 2 of his father's brothers migrated to Australia. From what I can remember,
they set up a confectionery business in Melbourne (later to become Birti Bros.
shortbread manufacturers). My grandfather stayed in Melbourne with the business
and the 2 other brothers moved to Kancoona South in Victoria (in the vicinity
of Myrtleford and Mt. Beauty) and started growing tobacco. Actually, I've
just remembered that the nearest township to Kancoona is Dederang (I'm sure
that's on the map.) The tobacco growing wasn't successful so they turned to
dairy farming. It wasn't until my father was 12 years old that he and his
older brother and Nana moved to Australia, after the business was firmly established.
This business was in High Street, St.Kilda which I think is now called St.Kilda
Road - the bit between Carlisle Street/Balaclava Road and St.Kilda junction.
The business has long gone as all the buildings on that side of the road were
pulled down to make way for the widening of that section of the road. I've
gone off at a tangent here - back to our trip overseas. We stayed in Italy
for 4 or 5 months before going to visit family in England. En route we spent
a few days in Switzerland and overnight in Paris. The next photo is of myself
and Nana feeding the pigeons in the very famous St.Marks Square in Venice.
remember nothing of where we stayed in London - we were there for about 6
weeks. I remember outings and visits to relatives, but nothing of where we
stayed, which was Earls Court. Unfortunately whilst in London, we had rolls
of undeveloped film stolen from our room - unfortunate because they were all
photos of the family in Italy - Mum says whoever took them must've thought
they were new films. Mum was keeping the films to have developed when we got
home to Australia. Our stay in London was extended by some 3 weeks as there
was a strike on the wharves so all shipping came to a standstill. It was in
November of 1960 that we sailed home. I was then 6 years old and spoke fluent
Italian. Mum asked Dad to continue speaking to me in Italian so I wouldn't
lose it, but by then he was used to speaking English (only speaking Italian
with his mother). I can hardly speak Italian at all now, but I still understand
a bit.