It is 1993 in San Francisco, California. Wealthy widow, Mrs. Emily Boggs, is gathering her friends and servants for a special dinner to celebrate the miraculous return of her long-lost daughter, Ashley. Ashley was kidnapped as an infant 25 years earlier during a riot in Hong Kong.

Mrs. Boggs has a long-standing custom of serving her dinner guests special fortune cookies containing personalised prophecies for each. Knowing this, the killer poisons Mrs. Boggs' cookie with deadly potassium cyanide and leaves her a fortune predicting, "Death will come uninvited". She dies instantly after eating the cookie - it is a case of premeditated murder.

GISELA (Lai Low) - An attractive young Chinese maiden staying with Mrs. Boggs to learn western ways. Her father, an old friend of the late Mr. Boggs, has no sons and he wants Lai Low to take over his import/export business. She has grown very fond of Mrs. Boggs in the year she has been with her.



IAN (Chew Chow) - Mrs. Boggs' cook who came to America with her 25 years ago and has been her loyal servant ever since. He knows how to prepare Mrs. Bogg's favourite dishes. Over the years he has become very skilled with kitchen knives and sometimes entertains her guests with his dazzling food chopping ability.



LINDA (Anita Mumm) - Absolutely positive she is Ashley, Mrs. Boggs' missing daughter. Although she has no memory of her childhood days in China, she bears a strong resemblance to the late Mr. Boggs.



KAREN (Penny Sylan) - Mrs. Boggs' live-in nurse for four years. It was her job to ensure Mrs. Boggs ate properly and got regular exercise. Penny also scheduled her appointments and screened her visitors. Mrs. Boggs, bless her soul, needed Penny to take charge of her life.



PAUL (Him Wong) - A retired police detective from the Hong Kong police force. He was the detective assigned to the Boggs' kidnapping case twenty-five years ago but, unfortunately, was unable to solve it. He never forgot the incident and after retiring two years ago, he started his own investigation.



RON (Axel Dent) - Has been Mrs. Boggs' private chauffeur for more years that he cares to remember. Before he came to work for her Axel was a professional racing car driver on the Indy circuit. Now he is content to drive Mrs. Boggs' vintage Rolls Royce and tinker with antique cars in his spare time.


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